About Me

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I love finding new music and sharing it with my friends. So when told to make a blog for a class, I decided I would share new music with everyone. I'm currently a student at Endicott College, majoring in Internet studies. I hope you guys enjoy reading my opinions on certain music, and I hope I can help you expand your music collection.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kicking it off with a bang(er)

So I might be new to blogging, but I'm definitely not new to good music, and it's been a while since I've heard some really good hip hop.  This first post is about a Boston boy who could definitely quench my thirst for a dope sound.  Now I'm definitely not talking about some stupid, trendy Sammy Adams mixtape..I wouldnt waste my time or yours. I've never been a real fan of his and you probably won't see any of his songs on this blog anytime soon. I'm talking about a dude with an old, Big-L kind of sound by the name of Relo.  Relo isn't too well known and this mixtape, All For Compliments is his debut mixtape and I'd say he's getting off to a good start.  I'll give the Datpiff link to the mixtape here: http://www.datpiff.com/Relo-All-For-Compliments-mixtape.246336.html  and a youtube link for one of my favorite songs, Invincible.  So go download the tape and play it for your friends, hopefully you like it as much as I do.

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