About Me

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I love finding new music and sharing it with my friends. So when told to make a blog for a class, I decided I would share new music with everyone. I'm currently a student at Endicott College, majoring in Internet studies. I hope you guys enjoy reading my opinions on certain music, and I hope I can help you expand your music collection.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Aer-ing It Out

So here I am, three posts in, and this is the second artist I've talked about from the Beantown area.  This next duo is called Aer and now you understand the bad pun in my post title. Aer has a light kind of sound, or at least thats how I see them.  Then, out of nowhere BAM a total banger when they go in remixing Levels, by Avicii, with their song, Shot Clock...check it out

1 comment:

  1. I just heard this guys for the first time and was pretty impressed. I don't usually listen to white rappers but I think they have the right idea in their remix's and their lyrical flow is pretty good. I have been starting to listen to other songs by them too thanks to you!
